Writing a Comic Book

Where to begin?

You’re ready to cross into the exciting realm of creating your own comic. Congratulations, it is a long journey ahead. Think Mt. Everest. Making a comic will take months of preparation, and possibly years of dedication. But it’s completely possible. So how do you get started?

Gather Story Ideas

Comics come in all shapes and sizes and infinite numbers of styles. Will you be writing a non-fiction comic or a fictional comic? What genre of comic are you interested in writing? First time comic creators might think about writing a comic similar to comics they like to read. Perhaps you already have ideas. Write them down and think about them.


Once you have an idea, start an outline. Outlines are best done (if you’re inexperienced) from simple to complex. Write the beginning of your story, then the middle, then the end. Now write an in-between story point that happens between the beginning and the middle. Repeat this between the middle and end. Continue adding story points between story points until you think you have enough items on your outline that someone reading your outline would understand the whole picture of your idea.

Start With Page One

Panel 1. -

That’s the first thing you should type. Type it now. Open up a word processor and type it. Then describe that first panel.

Congratulations! You’re on your way! You’ve just begun the arduous journey to creating your own comic!

Keegan Shiner